Tag Archives: Canvas

Canvas – Map Exchange and Map Flip now also supported

The Canvas function now also supports Map Flip and Map Exchange.

If a Map Exchange (new map) or Map Flip (turn the map over) is inserted in a course, a different canvas can be assigned for each map extract in the canvas function.


  • A Map Flip has been added to a course.
  • In the canvas function, two map extracts appear for this course (#1 and #2). The first map extract is assigned to Canvas East, the second to Canvas West.
  • When exporting, both map extracts are exported as PDF files.
  • PDF with first part of the course.
  • PDF with second part of the course after the Map Flip. Note that the map extract and map layout is different to the first part of the course.

The above example can be downloaded here as OCAD file together with other Canvas examples.

Canvas – Demo Video Available

The Canvas function allows you to export PDF’s of the same course setting project in different scales and layouts.

What is it good for?

Well, you probably have a course setting project and need to export maps in different scales (e.g. 15’000, 10’000 and 7’500), different layouts (e.g. text control description and symbol control description) and paper size (e.g. A4 and A3). Not an easy task, especially when last minute changes come in and you have to re-export the course maps.

With the Canvas function, you can set up your layouts and settings in a quiet minute and only hit one button to export all course maps again in the correct way.

Demo video available

In this demo video (available in English or German), we give you an introduction to the Canvas function and show you how it can be used with practical examples such as…

  • Exporting course maps where some courses have a symbol control description and some courses have a text control description
  • Exporting course maps where some courses have a marked route
  • Exporting course maps at different scales and layouts, e.g. 1:15,000, 1:10,000 and 1:7,500