Tag Archives: Course Setting

ISSkiOM Update

The International Specifications for Ski Orienteering Maps have been modified and released as ISSkiOM 2019 Revision 3, which is valid from 1st December 2024.

The most important changes:

  • New symbols for tracks which must be stayed on
    Sometimes due to special considerations, competitors are required to stay on the track and are forbidden to leave the track to the side or join the track from the side. These tracks are shown on the map with orange color. (IOF ISSkiOM 2019 Revision 3, chapter 2.5)
  • For a better readability, a white mask (0.15 mm on each side) is used under all green and orange track symbols
  • New Symbol for Dangerous section

How to work with the new specifications?

To work with the updated symbol sets already now, you can download a so-called silent update in OCAD under the menu Help>Download Update. The next complete OCAD update is planned for November.

To update an existing ski orienteering map to the latest symbol set, use the Update Symbol Set function.

Canvas – Map Exchange and Map Flip now also supported

The Canvas function now also supports Map Flip and Map Exchange.

If a Map Exchange (new map) or Map Flip (turn the map over) is inserted in a course, a different canvas can be assigned for each map extract in the canvas function.


  • A Map Flip has been added to a course.
  • In the canvas function, two map extracts appear for this course (#1 and #2). The first map extract is assigned to Canvas East, the second to Canvas West.
  • When exporting, both map extracts are exported as PDF files.
  • PDF with first part of the course.
  • PDF with second part of the course after the Map Flip. Note that the map extract and map layout is different to the first part of the course.

The above example can be downloaded here as OCAD file together with other Canvas examples.

Route Analyzer: Show route length, climb and time per variant

With the last OCAD update there was a small improvement of the OCAD Route Analyzer. The route length, climb and time for each variant is now displayed in the txt file for relay courses.

The txt file will be created in the same folder, where your course setting project is saved when you click on Analyze routes (current course) or Analyze routes (all courses). The txt file contains a summary of all routes, as well as a summary for each course and variant separately.

The values can be added to the Courses dialog, e.g. add Extra length for sprint courses or add Climb used.

Not yet tried the OCAD Route Analyzer?
Try it yourself with our demo data.

Do you already Upload Courses and Maps to Livelox?

Livelox is a very popular web-based application for viewing and analyzing routes and maps from orienteering events.

In OCAD, you can upload courses and maps directly from OCAD to Livelox to let spectators follow the competitors in real time, and to let participants analyze their route choices post-race.

Read in our OCAD Wiki how easily the Upload to Livelox works.

Course Setting Printing

In our OCAD Wiki we have summarized information and tips on the subject of printing orienteering courses.


Map file loaded as background map in course setting project, blend mode set for course setting objects, control circle cut.