With the latest OCAD Update, we added new symbol sets for mountain bike orienteering (MTBO). The symbol sets are based on the final draft of the ISMTBOM 202x, released by the Internation Orienteering Map Commission, in cooperation with the MTBO Commission. Please find more information here.
In OCAD, you can use the symbol sets for testing in different ways:
To start a new MTBO Map
To update an old MTBO Map
To change an Foot Orienteering map into a MTBO map
Start a new MTBO map
We recommend you to start a new map with the New Map Wizard. There you have the possiblity to directly georeference the map and import OSM data and convert these data into OCAD symbols.
To start with a new map, you can also go to menu File > New and open the ISMTBOM 202x Final Draft symbol set.
New 15’000 map: Choose the ISMTBOM 202x Final Draft 15’000.ocd. No symbol scaling needed.
New 12’500 / 10’000: Choose the ISMTBOM 202x Final Draft 15’000.ocd. Choose 12’500 / 10’000 as map scale. Scale symbols.
New 7’500 / 5’000 map: Choose the ISMTBOM 202x Final Draft 5’000.ocd. This symbol set contains additional sprint symbols. Choose 7’500 / 5’000 as map scale. No symbol scaling needed.
Update an old MTBO Map
In OCAD, you can use the function Symbol Set Conversion to easily update a MTBO map with an old symbol set to the new symbol set.