Monthly Archives: October 2019

OCAD Workshop in Japan

Jörg Vetter (Reseller for Japan) and Thomas Gloor (Managing Director of OCAD AG) held an OCAD workshop in Japan in mid-October. Topics like New Map Wizard, Use of Real Time GPS, LiDAR Data Analysis, Check Legibility and more were discussed extensively.

Free data as a basis for map making are improving in Japan. All over Japan vector data can be downloaded on a scale of 1:25’000, in urban areas on a scale of 1:2’500. Additionally a DEM with a resolution of 10m can be obtained, in urban areas with a resolution of 5m.

We thank all participants for their interest and the valuable feedback, which we try to implement as good as possible.

Use the Alt Key while Drawing or Selecting Objects

Using the Alt key while drawing or selecting objects is useful in the following situations:

Select an object behind an object already selected

To select an object behind an already selected object, keep the Alt or Alt Gr key pressed and click on the already selected object.

Select next object for editing

Select a line object and choose e.g. the Cut function. If you press the Alt key, the cursor changes to the Select Object and Edit Vertex mode. Keep the Alt key pressed and click the next object you want to cut. Release the Alt key and continue with the cutting.

Draw horizontal lines

To draw horizontal or vertical lines, press and hold the Alt button. The line snaps in a vertical or horizontal direction.