Monthly Archives: May 2019

Convert Area or Line Objects to Point Objects

You may have symbols on your map, which consist of many different line and/or area objects. Editing and moving around these Symbols can get tedious. In OCAD Mapping Solution, there’s a function to Convert Area and Line Objects to a Point Symbol (Wiki).

A typical example for this function would be the import of a PDF. Vector objects in PDF files are imported as Image Objects (grey objects) and can be converted to Point Symbols (green objects). Learn here, how to Create a Point Symbol out of Vector Data (Video).

Convert Line and Area Objects to Point Objects

Your map becomes more consistent and better structured.

ISSprOM 2019

The latest mapping standard for sprint orienteering maps, called ISSprOM 2019, has been published by the International Orienteering Federation (IOF). The document can be downloaded from the IOF website.

OCAD has implemented the new standard in their symbol sets, which you get with the latest Service Update. The ISSprOM 2019 is valid from 1 January 2020. Until then, the current ISSOM 2007 is still in use.

In order to keep track of all the different symbol sets that have been released lately, we created the Wiki page Symbol Set Overview. There you’ll also learn how to convert your maps to the new standards.

Comparison ISSOM 2007 and SSprOM 2019

Major changes:

  • Impassable vegetation (410) is forbidden to cross. Previous ISSOM 2007 Impassable vegetation symbol (421) using green 100% and black 50% has been removed.
  • Paved area with little (Brown 30%) and heavy traffic (Brown 50%).
  • New symbol for paved area in multilevel structures.
  • New symbols for passable walls, fountains and trees.