Monthly Archives: September 2024

Canvas – Map Exchange and Map Flip now also supported

The Canvas function now also supports Map Flip and Map Exchange.

If a Map Exchange (new map) or Map Flip (turn the map over) is inserted in a course, a different canvas can be assigned for each map extract in the canvas function.


  • A Map Flip has been added to a course.
  • In the canvas function, two map extracts appear for this course (#1 and #2). The first map extract is assigned to Canvas East, the second to Canvas West.
  • When exporting, both map extracts are exported as PDF files.
  • PDF with first part of the course.
  • PDF with second part of the course after the Map Flip. Note that the map extract and map layout is different to the first part of the course.

The above example can be downloaded here as OCAD file together with other Canvas examples.

Assign Unsymbolized Objects to OCAD Symbols

How are unsymbolized objects created?

If vector data such as Shape, GeoPackages or DXF are imported into OCAD, OCAD must know which imported objects are to be assigned to which OCAD symbols by means of a Cross Reference Table (.ocdCrt) during import.

If the translation table contains errors or gaps, the imported objects are displayed in OCAD as unsymbolized objects, i.e. the objects appear in the drawing area but are not assigned to any OCAD symbol.

What properties do unsymbolized objects have?

Unsymbolized objects are displayed by default in red color on top of the other map objects.

If an unsymbolized object is selected, the layer name is shown in the left part of the status bar.

Hide or Show unsymbolized objects by changing the Show Objects without Symbol option in the Symbol menu.

How can unsymbolized objects be converted?

Option Cross Reference Table:

You can use the Convert Imported Layers to Symbol command from the Map menu to convert unsymbolized objects to symbolized OCAD objects. In the dialog box you can create and/or modify a list of references. A reference consists of a layer (left side) and the corresponding OCAD symbol (right side). Symbol number -1 means that OCAD do not import and delete the layer.

You can save the list to a cross reference (.ocdCrt) file for later use. You can load an existing cross reference file to modify or execute it. Predefined cross reference tables by OCAD can be found in the folder C:\Program Files\OCAD\OCAD 2018 [EDITION]\Crt.

This procedure is useful if geodata is often imported.

Option Manual Assignment:

See an animation here.

This procedure is useful when only a few unsymbolized objects are involved.