Tag Archives: Mapping Solution

6 Tips to Minimize Mouse Movements

Your mouse pointer covers considerable distances while drawing. This is because you have to constantly switch between symbols, drawing and editing modes, and functions.

Use the following tricks to give your mouse cursor a breather.

#01: Toggle between drawing and editing tools

Select the following settings as shown below in the OCAD Preferences. When you draw an object, right-click to close it and get to edit mode. Another right-click switches back to drawing mode.

#02: Select symbol in drawing area

When you select an object in the drawing area, the corresponding symbol is auto-selected by default. This can be faster than selecting the symbol in the symbol box.

#03: Set preferred drawing tool

Edit a symbol to choose a preferred drawing tool. When you click on a symbol in the symbol box, the preferred drawing tool of this symbol will now be selected.
The symbols of the supplied OCAD symbol sets have a preferred drawing tool assigned to each of them.

#04 Work with shortcuts

Shortcuts help you to execute functions via key combinations, e.g. fill an object, reverse its direction or change its symbol.

#05 Customize toolbar

The toolbar contains many functions by default. Do you need all of them?
You can also dock the toolbars to the sides or move them to the drawing area.

#06 OCAD Tips and Tricks

Last but not least, if you master the OCAD tips and tricks, you will automatically minimize mouse movements and save a lot of time.

GeoPackage import in OCAD

A GeoPackage (GPKG) is a data format for geographic information system implemented as a SQLite database container.

With the latest Update, it is now possible in OCAD in a test version to import point, linestring and polygons from GeoPackage. We are grateful for feedback.

More about the GeoPackage import.


The next three days (13-15.10.2020), OCAD is present at INTERGEO, which is held completly digital this year.

Visit our digital booth or join us in our video room. Write an email to info@ocad.com if you need a free ticket. We would be happy to get in touch with you.

Especially for Intergeo, we have created a video presenting our company, products and services:

Link: https://youtu.be/KZemO2jJ7uY


One-Click Map on a new level

For many years, a vision of OCAD has been to create a usable orienteering map with just one click.

With the latest OCAD Update we have come a step closer to our vision.

Thanks to freely accessible geodata, excellent maps for Switzerland and Finland can be created with the New Map Wizard. The trend towards freely available geodata can also be observed in other countries and we hope to be able to include these countries in the function as well in near future.

Video examples:

More information is available in the OCAD Wiki. The whole auto-generated Jukola 2020 Map Rovaniemi can be downloaded here.

Note: The geodata import for Finland and Switzerland is still a Beta version. Feedback is welcome.

Extract of auto-generated map from Jukola 2020 in Rovaniemi.
Extract from auto-generated sprint map of Baar.