Tag Archives: Professional Map Making

Review of OCAD Development 2024

We hope you all had a good start to the new year and wish you all the best for 2025.

In this blog post, we give you an update on the most important OCAD innovations from last year.

Feature Map – Get more out of your LiDAR Data
The Feature Map can be used to recognize objects close to the ground such as stones, walls, tree trunks, fences, or cars which were previously not or only poorly recognizable on background maps that can be created with the DEM Wizard in OCAD.

Define Paper Size
OCAD has been enhanced with the Define Paper Size function to make it easier to display a print area or create a map layout. The paper size is visible in the drawing area and the area outside is grayed out.

Apple Look Around Viewer added to OCAD
The Apple Look Around Viewer now offers itself as a real alternative to Google Street View, as it can be more up-to-date and more comprehensive depending on the area. It has therefore been added to our list of Geoviewer.

OCAD Sketch App Improvements
We have added some new features to the OCAD Sketch App: Sketch colors can now be filtered and sorted, zoom buttons can be hidden, the eraser can be resized, the sketch layer can be hidden or just dimmed and background layers can be shown or hidden all at once.

Apple Look Around Viewer added to OCAD

With the Open Geoviewer function, you can click in the drawing area and specify a viewing direction. OCAD opens by default a web browser with Google Street View at the chosen position and direction.

The Apple Look Around Viewer now offers itself as a real alternative, as it can be more up-to-date and more comprehensive depending on the area, see example below.

Select the Open Geoviewer icon in the toolbar, click into the drawing area and drag a direction.
Google Street View is opened by default. Date of recording is 2014 (upper left in the picture).
However, Apples Look Around Viewer is more up-to-date and more comprehensive for this area. Date of recording is 2021.

How to access Apple Look Around Viewer in OCAD

  • Switch to the Apple Look Around Viewer in the OCAD Preferences
  • Select the Open Geoviewer icon in the toolbar
  • Click into the drawing area and drag a direction
  • OCAD opens the web browser with Apple Look Around Viewer at the chosen position and direction

The prerequisite for using Geoviewers is that the map is georeferenced and covered by the Geoviewer service.

Why you should use Geoviewer?

The use of Geoviewer can be very helpful for sprint maps, as many objects can already be drawn at home or a certain scene can be checked again afterwards. This reduces the amount of field work. It is advisable to test different Geoviewer services.

Recording of OCAD presentation at ICOM available

The video recording about recent and ongoing developments in OCAD at the 21st International Conference on Orienteering Mapping (ICOM on 03.11.2024) is available on our YouTube Chanel:

The following topics are presented:

– Function Define Paper Size
The paper size is visible in the drawing area and the area outside is grayed out. This is useful for displaying a print area or creating a map layout.

– Function Feature Maps
The Feature Map can be used to recognize objects close to the ground such as stones, walls, tree trunks, fences, or cars which were previously not or only poorly recognizable on background maps that can be created with the DEM Wizard in OCAD.

– Prototype of the OCAD Sketch App further development
The further development of the OCAD Sketch App will support vector objects.
You will be able to easily switch between sketches and vector objects to enable efficient mapping in the terrain.

OCAD Presentation at ICOM on 3rd November

The 21st International Conference on Orienteering Mapping (ICOM) will take place on 3rd November 2024 (postponed from 29.09) as an online event.

We will present the latest functions in OCAD and give an insight into where our development focus currently lies.

A link to the meeting and a detailed timetable is published on the IOF website.

Participation in the conference is free of charge.

Assign Unsymbolized Objects to OCAD Symbols

How are unsymbolized objects created?

If vector data such as Shape, GeoPackages or DXF are imported into OCAD, OCAD must know which imported objects are to be assigned to which OCAD symbols by means of a Cross Reference Table (.ocdCrt) during import.

If the translation table contains errors or gaps, the imported objects are displayed in OCAD as unsymbolized objects, i.e. the objects appear in the drawing area but are not assigned to any OCAD symbol.

What properties do unsymbolized objects have?

Unsymbolized objects are displayed by default in red color on top of the other map objects.

If an unsymbolized object is selected, the layer name is shown in the left part of the status bar.

Hide or Show unsymbolized objects by changing the Show Objects without Symbol option in the Symbol menu.

How can unsymbolized objects be converted?

Option Cross Reference Table:

You can use the Convert Imported Layers to Symbol command from the Map menu to convert unsymbolized objects to symbolized OCAD objects. In the dialog box you can create and/or modify a list of references. A reference consists of a layer (left side) and the corresponding OCAD symbol (right side). Symbol number -1 means that OCAD do not import and delete the layer.

You can save the list to a cross reference (.ocdCrt) file for later use. You can load an existing cross reference file to modify or execute it. Predefined cross reference tables by OCAD can be found in the folder C:\Program Files\OCAD\OCAD 2018 [EDITION]\Crt.

This procedure is useful if geodata is often imported.

Option Manual Assignment:

See an animation here.

This procedure is useful when only a few unsymbolized objects are involved.