The New Orienteering Map Specification ISOM 201X

The IOF Mapping Commission sent the ISOM 201x Final Draft to the national federations.

How to convert an ISOM 2000 map to ISOM 201x in OCAD?

Here is a first approach to convert the objects using a CRT file.
* Open your existing map drawn according to ISOM 2000
* Click Map -> Load Colors and Symbols From: Choose the ISOM 201x file in scale 1:15’000 or 10’000
* Choose Replace existing colors and symbols
* Activate Use CRT file and choose the ISOM2000 zu ISOM201x Final Draft.crt file

* ISOM 201x symbol set 1:15’000
* ISOM 201x symbol set 1:10’000
* ISOM2000 to ISOM201x Final Draft CRT (zipped file)

First ISOM 201x impressions from map Ils Aults, 2015:


6 thoughts on “The New Orienteering Map Specification ISOM 201X

  1. Plockyn

    From october 2015 IGN France used orthophoto BD ORTHO in JPEG2000.
    I have Ocad 11 and it’s not possible to use as “Background”geography referenced.
    Can you allow this use in a next update ?


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