The international Orienteering Federation (IOF) published a final draft of the new International Specification for Sprint Orienteering Maps (ISSOM) in February 2018. OCAD has created a new ISSOM 20XX Final Draft symbol set and released a Service Update for OCAD 12.
OCAD 12 users can download this Service Update via Help menu -> OCAD Service Update. Please close OCAD before installing the Service Update.
The function Symbol Set Conversion updates the map content of old sprint orienteering maps according ISSOM 2007 to ISSOM 20XX Final Draft automatically. This function keeps its old layout (title, logos and other map elements).
Choose Symbol Set Conversion command from the Map menu.
Choose the Symbol Set Orienteering Map ISSOM 20XX Final Draft 4000 and the CRT file ISSOM 2007 to ISSOM 20XX Final Draft if not already chosen by default.
The old ISSOM 2007 symbols are already assigned to a new ISSOM 20XX Final Draft symbol according to the CRT file. Or you can assign each symbol to another one.
Choose the symbols from the old layout which you want to keep in the new ISSOM 20XX Final Draft symbol set.
Click OK to replace the symbol set.
The new ISSOM 20XX Final Draft symbol set is loaded and the chosen layout symbols from the old map are at the top of the symbol box.
Choose the symbols from the old layout which you want to keep in the new ISSOM 20XX Final Draft symbol set.
For more information please read our Wiki.