What is New
This page describes the latest features in OCAD that will be added with each OCAD Update.
A rough overview over the last years shows the Timeline on your homepage.
A detailed list with all changes can be found in the Release Notes.
- Symbol Sets: ISSprOM 2019-2, Symbol set updated to Revision 6, January 2024. (20.7.5)
- Symbol Sets: ISSkiOM 2019, Ski O symbol sets updated to Version 2, January 2024 (20.7.4)
- Symbol Sets: ISOM 2017-2, Updated to Revision 6, January 2024 (20.7.4)
- Symbol Sets: ISMTBOM 2022: Bike O symbol sets updated to Revision 2 (20.6.4)
- New Map Wizard: Import of Lidar and GeoPackage data for Sweden added (20.6.4)
- GeoPackage Import: Import of gpkg files added (Beta Version) (20.6.3)
- New Map Wizard: Geodata import from mapant.es added (20.6.0)
- OCAD Sketch App: OCAD Sketch App Data Exchange - Release (20.6.0)
- OCAD Sketch App: OCAD Sketch App Data Exchange - Beta release (20.5.17)
- Symbol Sets: ISOM 2017-2, version 2022: New symbol set for Orienteering maps added (20.5.16)
- Symbol Sets: ISSprOM 2019-2: New symbol set for Sprint Orienteering maps added (20.5.16)
- Symbol Sets: ISMTBOM 2022: New symbol sets for Mountain Bike Orienteering maps added (20.5.16)
- Symbol Sets: New symbol set (Final Draft) for Mountain Bike Orienteering Maps added ISMTBOM202x (20.5.14)
- New Map Wizard: Basisplan Amtliche Vermessung Switzerland added (20.5.12)
- New Map Wizard: Edit extent by coordinates (20.5.11)
- Shape Import: Option to import only objects within an extent (20.5.10)
- New Map Wizard: New open geodata from swisstopo, Switzerland added (20.5.10)
- New Map Wizard: Option to keep the downloaded geodata (20.5.7)
- New Map Wizard: Lidar data import for Sweden added (20.5.6)
- Export Shape: Option to export 'Envelope polygon from text objects' added (20.5.3)
- New Map Wizard: OS Open Map Local (United Kingdom) supported (20.5.0)
- New Map Wizard: Option to not import Open Street Map data added (20.5.0)
- View: New option in Preferences to use mouse wheel for zoom in and out instead of scrolling (20.6.3)
- Toggle multiple identical segments between straight/bezier with TAB+SPACE key + click on segment (20.7.4)
- Toggle between straight and bezier curve segment with CTRL+SPACE key + click on segment (20.5.9)
- Toggle between normal-dash-corner vertex with CTRL+SPACE key + click on vertex (20.5.9)
- Change to Bézier Curve: New option to keep straight parts (e.g. for roads) (20.5.9)
- Copy Objects: Copy objects in WKT format using ALT + CRTL + C (20.5.8)
- Create objects from WKT format (20.5.7)
- Object Information: Change of object elevation enabled (20.5.6)
- Update Symbol Set: Updated to ISMTBOM 2022 Revision 3, April 2024 (20.7.6)
- Update Symbol Set: Updated to ISSprOM 2019-2, Revision 6, January 2024 (20.7.5)
- Update Symbol Set: Updated to ISOM 2017-2, Revision 6, January 2024 (20.7.4)
- Update Symbol Set: New Bike O symbol sets ISMTBOM 2022 supported (20.6.5)
- Load Colors From Also txt file supported (20.6.5)
- Coordinate System: RDN2008 / UTM zone added (20.6.4)
- Check Legibility: Check distance between contours option added (20.6.3)
- Coordinate System: PTRA08 / UTM zone 28N for Madeira added (20.5.17)
- Update Symbol Set: ISSprOM 2019-2 and ISOM 2017-2, version 2022 supported (20.5.16)
- Change Scale: Option added to enlarge/reduce line width of image and graphic objects (20.5.16)
- Coordinate System: New Caledonia Lambert added (20.5.15)
- Symbol Set Conversion: Option to scale symbols added if the map scale of both files is different (20.5.14)
- Coordinate System: ETRS89 / Portugal TM06 added (20.5.8)
- Symbol Set Conversion: Function added to load and save crt file (20.5.6)
- Define Paper Size: New Function added (20.7.6)
- Layout Image Object: Input box for image width when opening the image added (20.6.3)
- New function to import and save raster objects in ocd file instead of linking to the original file (20.6.2)
- Add Trim and Bleed Marks: Color option added (20.5.11)
- OCAD Sketchlayer: Sketch pen and eraser added to shortcuts list (20.6.1)
- OCAD Sketchlayer: Menu items added to shortcuts list (20.6.0)
- OCAD Sketchlayer: Options: Transparent option added. Faster rendering when turned off (20.5.18)
- OCAD Sketchlayer: Manage Sketch Features: Convert to symbolized object added (20.5.17)
- OCAD Sketchlayer: Manage Sketch Features: Delete Sketch feature added (20.5.17)
- OCAD Sketchlayer: Options: Display sketch layer behind map option added (20.5.17)
- OCAD Sketchlayer: Options: Display opacity option added (20.5.17)
- OCAD Sketchlayer: Import Sketchlayer from other ocd file added (20.5.16)
- OCAD Sketchlayer: Manage Sketch Features added (20.5.15)
- OCAD Sketchlayer: Option for Large Color Boxes in Toolbar (20.5.10)
- OCAD Sketchlayer released (20.5.9)
- New OCAD Sketchlayer added (Beta) (20.5.7)
Multiple Representation
- Multiple Representation: Export part of map of representations added (20.5.5)
- Database Box: Shortcut added for Link, Find and SQL Query function (20.6.1)
Thematic Map
Background Map
- Online Map Services: Bing Maps also supported (20.7.6)
- WMTS: 3 IGN WMS's (France) added in installation (20.6.5)
- WMTS: CartoWeb WMS (Belgium) added in installation (20.6.5)
- WMTS: MapAnt.ch is available as default WMTS (20.5.14)
- Tiff: Support geo-referenced loading of TIFF files with WGS84 georeference tags (20.5.12)
- Online Map Services: OpenStreetMap added (20.5.9)
- Online Map Services: Swisstopo services added (20.5.4)
- Online Map Services: OCAD loads the saved Google Maps background map geo-referenced (20.5.0)
- DEM Import Wizard: Option to create feature map.(20.7.8)
- Create optimized and compressed DEM for Course Setting (ocdCsDem) with option to embed it into ocd file (20.7.0)
- Hill shading: Light direction option 'Multi-directional' added (20.5.3)
- LiDAR Point Cloud Manager, Vegetation Base Map: Multi-threading improved. Function is faster (20.5.0)
- GPS Real Time Box: Button to change the Show tail status (20.5.15)
- Laser Rangefinder via COM interface (Bluetooth) also in OCAD 64-bit version supported (20.5.6)
- GPS Real Time via COM interface (Bluetooth) also in OCAD 64-bit version supported (20.5.6)
- Laguage: Simplified Chinese added (20.5.2)
- License Manager: Computer name added of activated OCAD 2018 licenses (20.6.4)
- License Manager: Option for Team licenses to deactivate the license automatically when closing OCAD (20.5.5)
Course Setting
- RouteAnalyzer 2.0: Show route length, climb and time per variant in txt file (20.7.8)
- Course Setting Box: Highlight not used controls with red color (20.7.6)
- Shortcuts: Default shortcut CTRL+R for course preview added (20.7.6)
- Canvases: Relays also supported (20.7.6)
- RouteAnalyzer 2.0: Calculate alternative routes for urban sprint courses (like Route Analyzer 1.0) (20.7.2)
- RouteAnalyzer 2.0: Beta release (20.7.0)
- Canvases: Canvas: New function released (20.6.0)
- Canvases: Canvases Beta Version for different map layout added (20.5.18)
- Route Analyzer: Support maps with ISMTBOM 202x symbol set (20.5.15)
- Upload to Livelox: Interface to Livelox (20.5.10)
- Export: Export Courses in KML format added (20.5.6)
- SPORTident Center: New Upload function released (20.5.1)
- Course Setting Edition: It is now possible to import ocd files (20.5.15)
- Upload to SPORTident Center: Function added also in Trial version. Limited to 3 courses (20.5.3)
Graphical User Interface
- Office 2019 styles Black, Gray and White for toolbars and menu added (20.6.1)
- Drawing Line: Show direction in the status bar (20.5.10)
- Support high DPI monitor scaling and resolution (e.g. 4K monitors) (20.5.0)
XML Script
- XML Script: Import of gpkg files added (20.6.4)
- XML Script: Option to delete 'Objects without Symbol' added (20.6.3)
- XML Script: Change Symbol Status: Function added (20.5.12)
- XML Script: Change Symbol Selected Objects: Function added (20.5.8)
- XML Script: LoadSymbolTreeFrom: Function added (20.5.8)
- XML Script: Change Symbol: Function added (20.5.8)
- XML Script: Object Fill: Function added (20.5.8)
- XML Script: ChangeVertexTypesTo: Function added (20.5.8)
- XML Script: Select Objects by Symbol: Function added (20.5.8)
- XML Script: Parameter 'IgnoreMissingDatasets' in node 'File.Open' added (20.5.4)
- XML Script: 'ExportObjectsBySymbol' added (20.5.4)
- XML Script: 'DeleteObjectsBySymbol' extended with the option 'SymbolTreeGroupName' to delete all objects from a symbol tree group (20.5.4)
- XML Script: Function for importing las/laz files and creating contour lines and vegetation map also available in Orienteering edition (20.5.2)
- XML Script: Symbol Status Manager added (20.5.2)
OCAD Sketch App
Please see this page for OCAD Sketch App updates.
- Check IOF minimum dimensions: Show percent of minimum dimension if object is too short/small (20.6.2)
- Command Line: New parameter '/NewInstance' added to always start a new OCAD instance from command line (20.5.15)
- Fill Bounded Area: Include dotted lines (e.g. vegetation boundary) (20.5.13)
- Drawing/Editing: Show live preview for point objects (20.5.12)
- Drawing/Editing: Show legibility halo for point objects (20.5.12)
- Drawing / Preferences: Freehand mode for tablets with pen. Draw freehand when pen down on screen. (20.5.12)
- Fill Bounded Area: Fill Bounded Area tool released (20.5.12)
- OCAD Preferences: Geoviewer Button: url is user-defined in Preferences (20.5.10)
- Fill Bounded Area: Fill Bounded Area tool added (Beta) (20.5.10)
- Drawing: Cancel drawing with ESC key (20.5.8)
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