[Newest OCAD 2020 Service Update on Web] Version= Build=4509 Date=2025-02-10 [Fixed Issue] Thanks for reporting bugs! *** Version=20.7.11 (4509) Service Update 2025-02-10 - IMPROVE Course Setting, Relay: Relay variation allocation 2025. - FIX Course Setting, Text Block: In some cases OCAD did not update the changed text. It was lost. Fixed. - IMPROVE Coordinate Systems: NAD83(CSRS) UTM for Canada added. - ADD Course Setting, Export, Relay: Option to export all variations in one file. *** Version=20.7.10 (4475) Service Update 2024-11-29 - IMPROVE Add Trim and Bled Marks: Use paper size as default if set. - IMPROVE License Chooser: Deactivation dialog added for Single User license. - IMPROVE Geo Viewer: Apple Look Around Viewer added. - IMPROVE Object Information: Show angle also for area (direction of pattern) und text objects. - IMPROVE Course Setting, RouteAnalyzer 2.0: Support latest MTBO and Ski-O specifications. - CHANGE Course Setting, RouteAnalyzer 2.0: Runnability class added for Narrow ride, normal running. - ADD Update Symbol Set, ISSkiOM 2019: New Ski O symbol sets added in this function. - ADD Symbol Sets, ISSkiOM 2019: Ski O symbol sets updated to Version 3, September 2024. *** Version=20.7.9 (4430) Service Update 2024-09-16 - ADD Course Setting, IOF XML Export: Optional control type information added. - CHANGE License Transfer: Automatically transfer also for Single User licenses. - IMPROVE License Manager: New option to open the License Manager when starting OCAD and the license is deactivated. - IMPROVE Course Setting, Text Control Description: Support Copy and Paste for text field. - ADD Course Setting, Canvas: Support map exchange and map flip. *** Version=20.7.8 (4396) Service Update 2024-07-22 - ADD DEM Import Wizard: Option to create feature map. - ADD Course Setting, RouteAnalyzer: Show route length, climb and time per variant in txt file. - ADD Edit Object, Indicate Direction: Now also available in Course Setting edition. - FIX Course Setting, Print to Microsoft PDF: No longer worked. Fixed. *** Version=20.7.7 (4377) Service Update 2024-05-23 - IMPROVE Course Setting, Canvas: Option 'Activate canvases in course preview and export' set by default. - FIX Define Paper Size: Gray extent was also visible in exported file. Fixed. - IMPROVE Read Tiff File: Reading tiff file is now faster. - FIX Toolbar Position: Toolbars had other positions after restarting OCAD. Fixed. - FIX Course Setting Box, Index Range Error: Fix problem when changing from one file to another one. - FIX Course Setting, Canvas, PDF Export: Problem with empty course definition fixed. *** Version=20.7.6 (4353) Service Update 2024-04-17 - ADD Layout, Define Paper Size: New Function added. https://www.ocad.com/wiki/ocad/en/index.php?title=Layout#Define_Paper_Size - UPDATE Symbol Set, ISMTBOM 2022: Updated to Revision 3, April 2024. - UPDATE Update Symbol Set: Updated to ISMTBOM 2022 Revision 3, April 2024. - ADD Online Map Services: Bing Maps also supported. - FIX Object, Find and Replace Text: Empty string as replacement text did not work. Fixed. - IMPROVE DEM, Create Hill Shading: Change default setting to Multi-directional. - IMPROVE Course Setting, Cut Control Line: Also create a gap when clicking on the line. - IMPROVE Course Setting, Cut Control Circle: Also create a gap when clicking on the circle. - IMPROVE Course Setting, Canvas: Dialog box added with raster resolution when the map is in draft mode. - IMPROVE Course Setting: Default shortcut CTRL+G to cut a gap in control circle or course line. - ADD Course Setting, Course Setting Box: Highlight not used controls with red color. - ADD Course Setting, Shortcuts: Default shortcut CTRL+R for course preview added. - ADD Course Setting, Canvas: Relays also supported. - FIX Course Setting, Export Control Description in ocd File: OCAD overwrote the course setting project if only the item 'All controls' was selected. Fixed. *** Version=20.7.5 (4304) Service Update 2024-02-26 - FIX Course Setting: Legs with opposite direction (statistics, consistency check) could be detected by error when using numbers like 72 and 727. Fixed. - UPDATE Map, Update Symbol Set, ISSprOM 2019-2: Function updated to Revision 6, January 2024. - UPDATE Symbol Set, ISSprOM 2019-2: Symbol set updated to Revision 6, January 2024. - FIX Course Setting, RouteAnalyzer: Did not recognize ISCD 2024 specification. Fixed. - CHANGE Map, Transform, Rotate Map to Magnetic North: Function enabled also in Course Setting edition. - IMPROVE Crop Objects: Support more than one cropping object. - FIX Drawing: Skip slow legibility halo for large point symbols (e.g. logos). *** Version=20.7.4 (4288) Service Update 2024-02-07 - FIX Layout Import: In some cases, OCAD did not import the layout raster image objects at the screen center. - FIX Drawing, Fill Bounded Area: Issue with horizonal/vertical bounding lines fixed. - UPDATE Update Symbol Set: Updated to ISOM 2017-2, Revision 6, January 2024. - UPDATE Symbol Set, ISOM 2017-2: Updated to Revision 6, January 2024. - ADD Edit Object: Toggle multiple identical segments between straight/bezier with TAB+SPACE key + click on segment. - FIX OCAD Sketch App Data Exchange: Dialog may disappeared behind OCAD main window. Fixed. - FIX Course Setting, RouteAnalyzer 2.0: Wrong runnability for Narrow ride, easy running. Fixed. - Symbol Sets, ISSkiOM 2019: Ski O symbol sets updated to Version 2, January 2024 - FIX Course Setting, RouteAnalyzer 2.0: Wide road symbol may was not recognized. Fixed. - ADD Switzerland, sCOOL: New logos added. *** Version=20.7.3 (4268) Service Update 2023-12-11 - FIX Multi Representation: Clear PrintParStrings before loading parameter strings. Otherwise, the parameter strings are duplicated in the file. - FIX Panels: In some cases, the right panels was wrong scaled. Fixed. That happened when starting OCAD by double clicking the icon and OCAD opens on another screen when both screens have different scaling's. - FIX Course Setting, Export Course Maps: Did not work correctly for courses with map flip and map exchange. - FIX Course Setting, Control Description, Options: OCAD scaled the symbol size when changing the color and the box size is different from 6mm. *** Version=20.7.2 (4250) Service Update 2023-11-13 - FIX Course Setting, Options, Control Description: Function to change to black or purple color. - CHANGE Course Setting, Control Description: Map flip added. - FIX New Map Wizard, OSM Import: Error 'Index.GetObjectIndex 0, nIndex: 0' fixed. - IMPROVE Export: OCAD zoom out if export rectangle is not visible. - FIX Course Setting, RouteAnalyzer 2.0: May did not recognize narrow passages in urban terrain. Fixed. - ADD Course Setting, Import IOF XML: Import also Punching Unit Ids. - ADD Course Setting, RouteAnalyzer 2.0: Calculate alternative routes for urban sprint courses (like Route Analyzer 1.0). - CHANGE Course Setting, RouteAnalyzer 2.0: Climb impact factor reduced for sprint courses. - IMPROVE Course Setting, Consistency Check Report: Check also punching units ids. - FIX Course Setting, RouteAnalyzer 2.0: Update also route information when changing/renumbering control codes. *** Version=20.7.1 (4207) Service Update 2023-09-21 - FIX File Structure: Potential data loss in ocd file when increasing the length of parameter string, e.g., in course setting. Introduced in Build 4203. Fixed. - FIX Course Setting, RouteAnalyzer 2.0: Marked routes may had no running time. Fixed. - FIX Map, Optimize/repair: TSketchLayer.GetCurrentLayerVisibleFeaturesCount message may appeared after deleting all sketch features. Fixed. - FIX Fill: When filling an area object which an area symbol which is oriented to North then set hatch/structure of object also to North (angle=0). Hatch/structure was rotated. - FIX Create Backup: File choose was not in the new created folder because file path contained '\\'. Fixed. - IMPROVE Drawing Mode, Stairway: Show tread depth in the status bar. *** Version=20.7.0 (4175) Service Update 2023-08-22 - ADD Course Setting, RouteAnalyzer 2.0: Beta release. Wiki: https://www.ocad.com/wiki/ocad/en/index.php?title=Route_Analyzer - ADD DEM: Create optimized and compressed DEM for Course Setting (ocdCsDem) with option to embed it into ocd file. Wiki: https://www.ocad.com/wiki/ocad/en/index.php?title=DEM#Create_optimized_DEM_for_Course_Setting - IMPROVE License Manager: Open License Manager also if the license is deactivated. - IMPROVE Map Info: Number of Layout objects includes also raster layout objects. - IMPROVE Map Info: Number of Sketch objects added. - IMPROVE WMS: Search box for layer added. - IMPROVE Print: OCAD zoom out if print rectangle is not visible. - IMPROVE Object Information: Show cutting angle (control circle) when a point object is selected. - FIX Drawing Tools: Make sketch layer visible when choosing sketch pen/eraser by right click. - IMPROVE Course Setting, Upload to Livelox: Show also Publication Time. *** Version=20.6.7 (4134) Service Update 2023-07-24 - FIX New Map Wizard, Finland: Problem fixed if Lidar files not found. - ADD GeoPackage Import: wkbMultiPolygonZM supported. - FIX Canvas, Define Extent: Clear 'Paper format' field when change the scale. - IMPROVE PDF Export in Draft Mode: Change to Normal view mode. - IMPROVE View, Zoom to Previous View: Add 'Find selected objects' also in the list for 'Zoom to Previous View'. - IMPROVE Course Setting, Canvas, XML: Save and load also export rectangles. - ADD Course Setting, Canvas: Rename canvas function added. *** Version=20.6.6 (4080) Service Update 2023-05-22 - FIX Scale and Coordinate System: Position of balloon hint fixed. - FIX GeoPackage Import: Error when importing table names with special characters. Fixed. - IMPROVE Course Setting, Canvas: Abort button added to stop the export. - FIX Course Setting, Canvas: PDF export does not work correctly if ocd file was untiteled. Fixed. - FIX GPS Real Time: Tail was not updated after disconnect/connect. Fixed. *** Version=20.6.5 (4046) Service Update 2023-03-15 - ADD OCAD Object Information: Show width and height of objects with rectangle symbol. - ADD WMS France: 3 IGN WMS's added in installation. - ADD WMS Belgium: CartoWeb WMS added in installation. - FIX Course Setting, Control Description: Control circle at the beginning of the marked route. Fixed. - IMPROVE OCAD Sketch App Data Exchange, Export: Simplified extent definition for part of map export. - FIX Course Setting, Canvas: OCAD ignored the max control description length in preview if classes are defined. Fixed. - IMPROVE Define Print/Export Extent: Show extent with an outer frame for better visibility. - ADD Update Symbol Set, ISMTBOM 2022: New Bike O symbol sets supported. - ADD Map, Load Colors From: Also txt file supported. *** Version=20.6.4 (4012) Service Update 2023-02-22 - FIX Lidar Point Cloud Manager: Use points classified > 18 also as 'Other Points'. - CHANGE Symbol Set, ISMTBOM 2022: Bike O symbol sets updated to Revision 2, February 2023. - FIX WMS, 64-bit OCAD Version: 'WmsXmlFile.ReadCapabilities' error fixed. - IMPROVE OCAD Sketch App Data Exchange, Import: Show data import status. - CHANGE New Map Wizard, Sweden: Import of Lidar and GeoPackage data added. - ADD XML Script, Import GeoPackage: Import of gpkg files added. *** Version=20.6.3 (3961) Service Update 2022-12-19 - ADD XML Import: Option to delete 'Objects without Symbol' added. - ADD Import GeoPackage (Beta Version): Import of gpkg files added. Wiki: https://www.ocad.com/wiki/ocad/en/index.php?title=Import_GeoPackages - IMPROVE Preferences, Tolerance to Select an Object: Max value increased to 40 pixels to improve usability on tablets with high resolution. - IMPROVE Map, Check Legibility: Ignore 'invisible' conflicts (e.g. contour distance conflicts below cliffs). - ADD Map, Check Legibility: Check distance between contours option added. Wiki: https://www.ocad.com/wiki/ocad/en/index.php?title=Map#Check_Legibility - ADD View: New option in Preferences to use mouse wheel for zoom in and out instead of scrolling. - FIX DEM Import, Intensity Map: Improved. - ADD Layout Image Object: Input box for image width when opening the image added. - FIX Drawing/Editing, Check IOF minimum dimensions: Wrong minimum dimension for cliffs with rounded ends. Fixed. *** Version=20.6.2 (3917) Service Update 2022-11-07 - ADD Layout Objects: New function to import and save raster objects in ocd file instead of linking to the original file. Wiki: https://www.ocad.com/wiki/ocad/en/index.php?title=Layout#Embed - FIX Export Part of Map: OCAD crashed when object has hole with more than 32'000 vertexes. - FIX Course Setting, Canvas: Map for 'All controls' also supported in the list of classes/courses. - FIX Database, Assign Symbols by Records: Field name in square brackets also supported in cnt files. E.g.: '101.000 [ID] = 1'. - CHANGE Map, Check Legibility: Adapted to ISOM 2017-2 Revision 5 September 2022. - IMPROVE GPS Real Time: In some cases OCAD did not show the number of satellites correctly if more than 12 sats are available. Fixed. - IMPROVE Course Setting, Relay Preview: Improved error message when the start number range is invalid ('to' is smaller than 'from'). - IMPROVE Course Setting, Auto Control Description: Improved detection of map objects. - ADD Coordinate System: Albania TM 2010 added. - IMPROVE Drawing/Editing, Check IOF minimum dimensions: Show percent of minimum dimension if object is too short/small. - CHANGE OCAD Sketch App Data Exchange: Show online/offline status. - FIX WMTS: User defined extent did not work correctly. Fixed. - ADD Drawing/Editing: Check IOF minimum dimensions option for line/area objects added. - FIX OCAD Sketch App Data Exchange: Non-georeferenced background maps positioning issue. Fixed. *** Version=20.6.1 (3868) Service Update 2022-08-29 - FIX Rotate Map to Magnetic North: Error message appeared because web service has changed. Fixed. - ADD Sketchlayer: Sketch pen and eraser added to shortcuts list. - FIX Sketchlayer, Manage Sketch Features: Undo was not active after converting sketch feature to symbolized object. Fixed. - ADD Database Box, Shortcuts: Shortcut added for Link, Find and SQL Query function. - ADD GUI: Office 2019 styles Black, Gray and White for toolbars and menu added. *** Version=20.6.0 (3809) Service Update 2022-06-13 - ADD OCAD Sketch App Data Exchange: New function to exchange data between OCAD and the new OCAD Sketch App released. Wiki: https://www.ocad.com/wiki/ocad/en/index.php?title=OCAD_Sketch_App - ADD New Map Wizard, Spain: Geodata import from mapant.es added. - FIX WMTS Export: Wrong MatrixWidth and MatrixHeight if map exent is different from tile extent. Fixed. - ADD Course Setting, Canvas: New function to manage different map layouts for course setting released. Wiki: https://www.ocad.com/wiki/ocad/en/index.php?title=Canvases - ADD Sketchlayer: Menu items added to shortcuts list. *** Version=20.5.18 (3770) Service Update 2022-04-25 - ADD Sketchlayer, Options: Transparent option added. Faster rendering when turned off. - FIX Sketchlayer: Rendering issue for ocd background maps with Sketchlayer. Fixed. - ADD OCAD Sketch App Data Exchange: Show QR code when selecting a project that was already uploaded to OCAD Cloud Transfer. - CHANGE Rotate Map to Magnetic North: Change to Edge browser for OSM map if available. - CHANGE New Map Wizard: Change to Edge browser for OSM map if available. - FIX OCAD Sketch App Data Exchange: Import multiple sketch versions from OCAD Cloud Transfer issue fixed. - FIX Course Setting, RouteAnalyzer: Ignored ISMTBOM 202x forbidden symbols 716 and 718. Fixed. - CHANGE Course Setting, RouteAnalyzer: Show message if symbol set cannot be assigned to an IOF specification. - ADD QR Code Generator: Added in Layout menu. - ADD Symbol, Area Symbol: Fill bounded area added as preferred drawing tool option. - FIX OCAD Sketch App Data Exchange: Background maps shift, rotation + tiling issues fixed. - ADD Online Map Services: Mapant.ch added. - FIX OCAD Sketch App Data Exchange: Project ID could be lost when not saving ocd file after upload to OCAD Cloud Transfer. Fixed. *** Version=20.5.17 (3723) Service Update 2022-03-14 - ADD OCAD Sketch App Data Exchange - Beta release. - ADD Sketchlayer, Manage Sketch Features: Convert to symbolized object added. - ADD Sketchlayer, Manage Sketch Features: Delete Sketch feature added. - ADD Sketchlayer, Options: Display sketch layer behind map option added. - ADD Sketchlayer, Options: Display opacity option added. - ADD Coordinate System: PTRA08 / UTM zone 28N for Madeira added. - ADD Course Setting, Canvas, Beta Version: Canvases for different map layout added. *** Version=20.5.16 (3680) Service Update 2022-01-27 - ADD Update Symbol Set: ISSprOM 2019-2 and ISOM 2017-2, version 2022 supported. - ADD Symbol sets, ISOM 2017-2, version 2022: New symbol set for Orienteering maps added. - ADD Symbol sets, ISSprOM 2019-2: New symbol set for Sprint Orienteering maps added. - ADD Symbol sets, ISMTBOM 2022: New symbol sets for Mountain Bike Orienteering maps added. - ADD MAP, Change Scale: Option added to enlarge/reduce line width of image and graphic objects. - ADD OCAD Sketchlayer: Import Sketchlayer from other ocd file added. - CHANGE Setup Part of Map: Option to set extent form paper format. *** Version=20.5.15 (3643) Service Update 2021-12-07 - FIX Coordinate System: Bug when calculating WGS84 coordinates fixed. Introduced in Build 3641. - ADD Coordinate System: New Caledonia Lambert added. - FIX GUI: Right panel may disappeared (e.g. after closing file with open layout panel). Fixed. - ADD Course Setting Edition: It is now possible to import ocd files. - IMPROVE Course Setting, RouteAnalyzer: Support maps with ISMTBOM 202x symbol set. - FIX Installation: OCAD 64-bit was not installed on ARM64 processors. Fixed. - FIX Drawing, Fill Bounded Area: Ignored overprint symbols. Fixed. - ADD Sketchlayer: Manage Sketch Features added. - ADD GPS Real Time Box: Button to change the 'Show tail' status. - ADD Command Line: New parameter '/NewInstance' added to always start a new OCAD instance from command line. - IMPROVE Activation and Deactivation: Functions are now faster. *** Version=20.5.14 (3582) Service Update 2021-09-30 - ADD Symbol Set Conversion: Option to scale symbols added if the map scale of both files is different. - ADD WMTS: MapAnt.ch is available as default WMTS. - ADD IOF ISMTBOM202x: New symbol set (Final Draft) for Mountain Bike Orienteering Maps added. - IMPROVE GPS, Import from file: Save/load setting for 'Set labels' option. - IMPROVE GUI, DockingPanel: Move floating panels only if top is out of screen. Keep panel height and width when moving. *** Version=20.5.13 (3538) Service Update 2021-08-12 - FIX Line symbol: Double line mode could be reset when file was openend with build 2020.5.12.3533. Fixed. - IMPROVE Drawing, Fill Bounded Area: Include dotted lines (e.g. vegetation boundary). *** Version=20.5.12 (3533) Service Update 2021-08-09 - ADD XML Script, Change Symbol Status: Function added. - ADD Drawing/Editing: Show legibility halo for point objects. - ADD Drawing / Preferences: Freehand mode for tablets with pen. Draw freehand when pen down on screen. - ADD New Map Wizard: Basisplan Amtliche Vermessung Switzerland added. - ADD Drawing: Fill Bounded Area tool released. - ADD Drawing/Editing: Show live preview for point objects. - ADD Background Maps: Support geo-referenced loading of TIFF files with WGS84 georeference tags. - FIX Sketchlayer: Move/Rotate also sketch layer when move/rotate map. - FIX Sketchlayer: Adjust Sketch features if background map has different offset. *** Version=20.5.11 (3469) Service Update 2021-05-25 - FIX KML Export: Compressed export did not work correctly. Fixed. - ADD New Map Wizard: Set import extent by coordinates. - ADD Layout, Add Trim and Bleed Marks: Color option added. - FIX Drawing, Fill Bounded Area: Issue with areas bounded mostly by one object. Fixed. - FIX Drawing, Fill Bounded Area: Issue with filling areas along some double lines. Fixed. - FIX Drawing, Fill Bounded Area: Button was missing in toolbar customize dialog. Fixed. *** Version=20.5.10 (3413) Service Update 2021-03-30 - ADD Course Setting, Upload to Livelox: Interface to Livelox. - ADD Drawing, Fill Bounded Area: Fill Bounded Area tool added (Beta). - ADD SketchLayer: Option for Large Color Boxes in Toolbar. - ADD Drawing Line: Show direction in the status bar. - New Map Wizard: New open geodata from swisstopo, Switzerland added. - ADD XML Script, Change Symbol Selected Objects: Function added. - ADD XML Script, LoadSymbolTreeFrom: Function added. - ADD XML Script, Change Symbol: Function added. - ADD Toolbar, Geoviewer Button: url is user-defined in Preferences. - ADD Shape Import: Option to import only objects within an extent. *** Version=20.5.9 (3385) Service Update 2021-03-03 - ADD SketchLayer: Sketch Layer released. - FIX NMEA Import: Combined position for several GNSS not supported. Fixed. - ADD Online Map Services: OpenStreetMap added. - ADD Edit Object: Toggle between normal-dash-corner vertex with CTRL+SPACE key + click on vertex. - ADD Edit Object: Toggle between straight and bezier curve segment with CTRL+SPACE key + click on segment. - ADD Object, Change to Bezier Curve: New option to keep straight parts (e.g. for roads). *** Version=20.5.8 (3351) Service Update 2021-02-02 - FIX XML Script: When closing ocd file the temporary file still existed. Fixed. - FIX XML Script: Starting several OCAD task did not work correctly. Fixed. - FIX DEM Import Wizard: TIFF file also as DSM supported. - FIX DEM Import Wizard: Coordinate transformation did not work correctly for UTM South zones. Fixed. - ADD Drawing: Cancel drawing with ESC key. - ADD Coordinate System: ETRS89 / Portugal TM06 added. - ADD XML Script, Object Fill: Function added. - ADD XML Script, ChangeVertexTypesTo: Function added. - ADD XML Script, Select Objects by Symbol: Function added. - Copy Objects: Copy objects in WKT format using ALT + CRTL + C. - IMPROVE DEM, Create Contour Lines: Convert TPI smoothed contours to bezier curves. - IMPROVE DEM, Create Contour Lines: Create cleaner TPI contours by combining TPI with 3D smoothing. - IMPROVE DEM, Create Contour Lines: Reduce the file size by reducing number of contour vertices. - CHANGE Object Information, OCAD 12 Files: Do not update the modification date of the objects when converting an OCAD 12 file. *** Version=20.5.7 (3318) Service Update 2021-01-06 - ADD SketchLayer: New OCAD Sketchlayer added (Beta). - IMPROVE New Map Wizard: Option to keep the downloaded geodata. - FIX Object, Change Vertex Type: Change to from corner/dash to normal vertex did not work. Introduced with 18-3252. Fixed. - ADD Object, Paste: Create objects from WKT format. *** Version=20.5.6 (3297) Service Update 2020-12-11 - ADD New Map Wizard: Lidar data import for Sweden added. - ADD Object Information: Change of object elevation enabled. - IMPROVE GPS Real Time: Improve GPS cursor and tail update on screen. - IMPROVE Map, Show Impassable Features: Adapt image scaling for high DPI screens. - ADD Course Setting, Export KML: Export courses in KML file. - FIX Export SVG: Error when writing temporary raster file. Fixed. - ADD Laser Ranger Finder: Laser Ranger Finder via COM interface (Bluetooth) also in OCAD 64-bit version supported. - ADD GPS Real Time: GPS Real Time via COM interface (Bluetooth) also in OCAD 64-bit version supported. - FIX Layout: Scrollbar sometimes not visible in layout objects list. Fixed. - FIX OCAD Update: Error message after downloading file. Fixed. - CHANGE crt Files: All renamed to ocdCrt to avoid problem with certificate files. crt files are still working in OCAD for compatibility reasons. - ADD Symbol Set Conversion: Function added to load and save crt file. *** Version=20.5.5 (3226) Service Update 2020-11-03 - FIX SVG Export: Problem with '&' in id name fixed. - ADD Activation Wizard: Option added for Team license to deactivate the license automatically when closing OCAD. - FIX Shape Import: Error message with database type DATE fixed. - ADD Multi Representation: Export part of map of representations added. - ADD License Manager: Option for Team licenses to deactivate the license automatically when closing OCAD. *** Version=20.5.4 (3190) Service Update 2020-10-13 - FIX Course Setting, Route Analyzer: Used forbidden routes in MTBO courses. Fixed. - ADD XML Script: Parameter 'IgnoreMissingDatasets' in node 'File.Open' added. - ADD Mapping Solution, PDF Export: Option to export colors of raster background maps in CMY. - ADD Online Map Services: Swisstopo services added. - IMPROVE Load PNG Background Maps: Loading is about 3x faster. - REMOVE GPS Real Time: HTTP - Not supported by mobile browsers any more. - XML Script: Function 'ExportObjectsBySymbol' added. - XML Script: Function 'DeleteObjectsBySymbol' extended with the option 'SymbolTreeGroupName' to delete all objects from a symbol tree group. - FIX WMS: In some cases, OCAD did not load an image with high resolution. Fixed. - FIX Numeric Keypad Toolbar: Did not work for fields in Numeric drawing mode. Fixed. - FIX WMS: If Anti-Aliasing was switched on and the map rotated, then OCAD did not show the background map with the highest resolution. Fixed. - FIX Move Overlapping Points: In some cases, OCAD replaced and duplicated a wrong object. Fixed. - FIX Select: Select self-intersected object did not work. Introduced with update 20.5.3. Fixed. *** Version=20.5.3 (3145) Service Update 2020-08-24 - FIX Function 'Load Colors And Symbols From', Option 'Add': OCAD did not add the symbol group tree correctly. Fixed. - CHANGE Paste Symbole: OCAD pastes the symbol in the selected symbol tree group. - FIX Map. Create WGS84 Grid: Grid lines may did not cover whole map extent. Fixed. - FIX Map, Create Map Grid: Wrong extent for rotated maps/grids. Fixed. - ADD DEM, Hill shading: Light direction option 'Multi-directional' added. - FIX Edit and Drawing Object: Rendering the updated object may showed just a white rectangle. Fixed. - FIX Course Setting, Route Analyzer: MTBO bug with dangerous objects / uncrossable barriers fixed. - FIX GUI: OCAD Window maximum size could be limited to a part of the screen. Introduced with 2020.5.2. Fixed. - IMPROVE Map, Map Information: Show all monitors size and resolution (pixel per inch) and make dialog sizable. - ADD Shape Export: Option to export 'Envelope polygon from text objects' added. - CHANGE Upload to SPORTident Center: Function added also in Trial version. Limited to 3 courses. *** Version=20.5.2 (3106) Service Update 2020-07-20 - CHANGE XML Script: Function for importing las/laz files and creating contour lines and vegetation map also available in Orienteering edition. - FIX Export, PDF: Geospatial PDF (WGS84) according ISO32000 for georeferenced OCAD maps. - FIX SPORTident Center, Upload: Courses where not visible in SPORTident Center when map was not in Normal view mode. Fixed. - DEM Import Wizard: Progress bar crashed when importing less than 100 points. Fixed. - ADD Language Simplified Chinese: New language added. - FIX Export Part of Map: Cropping was in some cases inverted. Fixed. - FIX File Open: Open read-only files with attribut fmShareDenyWrite. Fix problem with multiple file access in XML script. - ADD XML Script, Symbol Status Manager: Added. *** Version=20.5.1 (3081) Service Update 2020-06-22 - CHANGE SPORTident Center: New Upload function released. - ADD Coordinate System: JGD2011, Japan added. - ADD Coordinate System: Monte Mario, Italy added. - ADD Coordinate Systems: World Robinson added. - CHANGE Symbol Set Conversion: Symbol number of new symbol set has higher priority then the existing symbol number if symbol number already exists in the new symbol set. *** Version=20.5.0 (3037) Service Update 2020-05-12 - ADD GUI: Support high DPI monitor scaling and resolution (e.g. 4K monitors). - XML Script, Database.Assign.Texts: OCAD did not redraw the drawing area. Fixed. - IMPROVE Online Map Service: OCAD loads the saved Google Maps background map geo-referenced. - ADD New Map Wizard: Option to not import Open Street Map data added. - ADD New Map Wizard: OS Open Map Local (United Kingdom) supported. - FIX Course Setting, Convert to OCAD 12 and Earlier File Format: Wrong scaled control description symbols when course preview was activated and symbol box size was not the default value of 6 mm. - IMPROVE Point Cloud Manager, Vegetation Base Map: Multi-threading improved. Function is faster. *** Version=19.4.2 (2975) Service Update 2020-03-31 - ADD Import CSV Files: WGS 84 coordinates supported also. - ADD DEM: Open ocdLas file with drag&drop into the drawing area. - ADD PDF Export, Raster Resolution: 1200 and 2400 dpi added in combo box. - ADD XML Script: Open to import all ocd files from one directory added (File.Import.Ocd, Directory). - ADD Background Map, JPEG: Option to load 32-bit JPEG as TIFF files. *** Version=19.4.1 (2946) Service Update 2020-03-03 - New Map Wizard: Beta version of geodata import for Finland and Switzerland added. - CHANGE: Preferences, Drawing and Edit: Select Tolerance default value changed from 3 to 5 pixels. - ADD Symbol Set Conversion: crt file added for ISOM 2017 to ISSprOM 2019 conversion. - ADD Export, PDF: Support Geospatial PDF (WGS84) for georeferenced OCAD maps. - CHANGE Layout: Enable layout menu in CS and Starter Edition. - FIX DEM, Extract cliffs from Slope Gradient: A few cliffs orientation was wrong. Fixed. - ADD Import, GPX: Assign symbols directly from node in Oribooklet gpx. - ADD Course Setting, RouteAnalyzer: Route rename + delete function added (popup menu). - CHANGE Map, Load Symbols and Colors From, Option 'Add': Use same color number of added color if number doesn't exist in file. - ADD DEM, Profile Export to Ocd: Time factor option added. - ADD Course Setting, RouteAnalyzer: Update route length text object if route is modified by user. - IMPROVE Course Setting, Import IOF XML: Support xml files from Eventor with classes bot no course data. - FIX Background Maps, Open: In some seldom cases, OCAD did not transform the geo-reference correctly when transforming the background maps. Fixed. *** Version=19.4.0 (2897) Service Update 2020-01-16 - ADD DEM: TIFF Dem import added. - ADD Course Setting, RouteAnalyzer: Add course length for each course to txt file when analyzing routes for all courses. - FIX Course Setting, RouteAnalyzer: Impassable fences sometimes ignored. Introduced with 18-2840. Fixed. - ADD Online Map Services: Update button added to move Google Maps to the center of the drawing area. - FIX Background Maps, 32-bit TIFF Image: OCAD did not save infrared status in ocd file. Fixed. - FIX DXF Import, CRT File: Symbol number '-1' did not work the delete objects. Fixed. - ADD Background Maps, Layout: Use also relative paths to load background maps/layout images. - ADD Course Setting, Classes: Import courses and classes from csv/txt including number of runners and comment. - FIX Map, Check Legibility: Check minimum length/size according ISSprOM 2019 and ISOM 2017-2. - IMPROVE Map, Check Legibility: Check minimum opening for walls and fences according ISSprOM 2019. - IMPROVE Map, Check Legibility: Check minimum distance for passable/impassable cliffs according ISOM 2017-2. - ADD Preferences: Option to set a default coordinate system added. - CHANGE File, New Map: Set default coordinate system from preferences if it is not set in the template file. - CHANGE GUI: Show symbol description only as a hint when selecting a symbol (ex. Import GPS from file dialog). - CHANGE Symbol Sets, Orienteering: Order of colors for ISOM 2017-2 and ISSprOM 2019 symbol sets improved. - FIX Background Map: Load of big TIFF files failed. Fixed. - IMPROVE Map, Symbol Set Conversion: Function is much faster. *** Version=19.3.9 (2846) Service Update 2019-12-02 - ADD Symbol Sets: New symbol sets for International Specification for Ski Orienteering Maps (ISSkiOM 2019) added. Old removed. - ADD Course Setting: RouteAnalyzer support for SkiO and MTBO. - CHANGE, Starter Edition, Scan: Background Map -> Scan function enabled. - FIX DEM, Create Contour Lines: Problem with missing parts of contour lines fixed. - ADD Multiple Representation: Define Representation Area with coordinates. - FIX Multiple Representation: Copy & Paste and MR Deactivation. *** Version=19.3.8 (2809) Service Update 2019-11-05 - ADD DEM: Open ocdDem file with drag&drop into the drawing area. - ADD General: Option to create auto-backup when opening an OCAD file. - IMPROVE Rendering Area Structure Symbol: Rendering performance for big areas improved. - ADD Print/Export, Part of Map: Import print and export rectangles from ocd file added. - ADD Layout, Graticule Name Index: New WGS84 dd°mm'ss.ss" style added. - CHANGE Layout: Show rulers by default if edit layout is turned on. - ADD Layout, Add Trim and Bleed Marks: Add a print/export rectangle with corresponding extent. - FIX Send File by Email: Did not work if no email address entered. Fixed. - FIX DEM Import, Intensity Map: In some cases, the intensity map was completely wrong. Fixed. - FIX Point Cloud Manager, Export Raster Map: Map was not correctly rotated if map was rotated. Fixed. *** Version=19.3.7 (2770) Service Update 2019-09-11 - ADD Real-Time GPS: Show GPS positions tail option added (Beta). - ADD Ruler Guides: Option to load ruler guides from another ocd file added. - ADD GUI: Show progress also in Windows taskbar. - ADD Object: ALT key down to select next object while using moving parallel tool. - ADD Edit Object/Drawing: Duplicate object with moving parallel using Shift+Ctrl key. *** Version=19.3.6 (2728) Service Update 2019-07-30 - ADD Course Setting, RouteAnalyzer: Add route via point(s) added. - ADD Course Setting, Classes: Report button added. - ADD Layout: Add multiple image files at once. - ADD Course Setting: Export Control Descriptions to ocd file (Beta). *** Version=19.3.5 (2704) Service Update 2019-07-02 - IMPROVE Course Setting, Route Analyzer: Problem with crossing impassable areas solved. - FIX Lidar Data Import: Invalid points in DTM if classification of point >= 64. Fixed. - FIX Online Map Services: Did not work anymore. Fixed. - ADD Symbol Set: IOF symbol set for School Orienteering Maps 2019 added. - ADD New File: New option the scale the symbols when changing the map scale. *** Version=19.3.4 (2655) Service Update 2019-04-24 - ADD Symbol Set Orienteering, ISSprOM 2019: Symbol set for sprint orienteering maps added. - ADD Course Setting, Route Analyzer: Beta version of Route Analyzer for sprint maps added. - IMPROVE Download Update: Dialog added. - IMPROVE OCAD Updater: Download update file directly, not via web browser. *** Version=19.3.3 (2646) Service Update 2019-04-11 - ADD Symbol Sets: Orienteering symbol sets updated to ISOM 2017-2. - ADD Map, Update Symbol Set: New function to update the ISOM 2017 symbol set to ISOM 2017-2. Beta version. - FIX Magnetic Declination: Did not work anymore. Fixed. - ADD Database, Create Objects: Support transformation of wgs84 coordinates to map coordinate system. - FIX Ocd Import: Option 'Change symbol status from Normal to Protected' did not work properly. Fixed. - ADD Coordinate Systems: Canada NAD83(CSRS) added. *** Version=19.3.2 (2621) Service Update 2019-03-26 - ADD XML Script, PNG Export: Export PNG files with XML script added. - FIX Open ocd File from Command File: Parameter did not work when OCAD was already running. - ADD XML Script, DXF Import: Import DXF files added. - IMPROVE Course Setting, Control Description: Symbols improved. *** Version=19.3.1 (2574) Service Update 2019-02-25 - FIX License Chooser: Problem with reactivation fixed. - FIX Import Ocd File: Option 'Rotate objects with symbols orientated to north' did not work correctly. Fixed. - ADD Coordinate System: European grid ETRS89 / ETRS-LAEA (Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area projection) added. - ADD Map, Check Legibility: Check distance between contours and form lines. - CHANGE Background Maps, Tiff: Transparency in Alpha channel for 32-bit files supported. - CHANGE CourseSetting: Check course name for file name compatibility -> no \ / ? % * : | < > *** Version=19.3.0 (2537) Service Update 2019-01-30 - CHANGE OCAD Version: Changed to OCAD 2019. - CHANGE Convert Object From Polyline to Curve: Convert also all holes of the area objects. - CHANGE New Map Wizard, OpenStreetMap Import: Data import extent change to the full extent of the map window. So it is possible to import bigger areas. - ADD Ruler Guides: A4 and A3 paper format in print size added if print scale is different than map scale. *** Version=18.2.3 (2495) Service Update 2019-01-03 - ADD Preferences: Function to reset the position of the toolbars to the default settings. - ADD Paste Function: Paste function supports the copied text from Object Information dialog. - ADD Coordinate System: Function to find coordinate system by EPSG Code added. - ADD Coordinate System: UTM / ETRS89 zones xxN (N-E) added. - ADD New Map Wizard: Option to choose the language for the symbol description. - ADD Map, Load Symbols and Colors From: Option to choose the language for the symbol description. - ADD Map, Check Legibility: Extent option added to check entire map or only current view. - ADD Background Maps, JPEG 2000: Tab file with geo reference supported. - ADD Preferences: Function to create ocd file association. OCAD must run as administrator to execute this function. - ADD Coordinate System: Projection World_Van_der_Grinten added. *** Version=18.2.2 (2453) Service Update 2018-12-11 - ADD Course Setting: Additional symbols for Course name and class name(s), independent from CS options. - CHANGE Import ocd: Import symbol at the top of the symbol table if option 'Import colors at the top of the color table' is chosen. - ADD Course Setting: Compose course, Add Start, Add Control, Add Finish etc. tools added. - ADD Course Setting, New Course Setting Project Wizard added. - IMPROVE Paste: Smart Paste function. Option to create objects or move view. - ADD Background Maps: JPEG 2000 file format supported. - ADD Background Maps: Option to transfer the background map from another coordinate system when opening the aerial image from Manage Background Maps dialog. - ADD DEM Wizard: Button added to show las tile in LasView. - ADD Shape Export: OCAD exports elevation of line object in TEXT1 field. - ADD Course Setting: Reset selected preview objects (popup menu). - ADD Renumber Symbols: New function to renumber symbols and objects using crt file. Function only for Mapping Solution. - IMPROVE Lidar Point Cloud Manager: Save and reload default setting in Windows Registry. *** Version=18.2.1 (2424) Service Update 2018-11-22 - IMPROVE Lidar Point Cloud Manager, Vegetation Base Map: GUI improved. - CHANGE Drawing: Scroll while drawing if mouse move and object not finished. - ADD DEM Import Wizard: Option to create vegetation base map from Lidar point cloud. - CHANGE Grouping of Objects: Function enabled in Orienteering edition. - CHANGE Remove Undershoots and Overshoots: Function enabled in Orienteering edition. - CHANGE WMS: Online WMS in Orienteering edition enabled. - CHANGE Symbol Set ISOM 2017: Updated with changes from IOF 2018-10-18. - FIX Load Background Map: Problem when loading big background map fixed. Error message 'could not allocate additional memory for OCAD' appeared. - ADD XML Script, Shape Export: Parameter 'File' added. - CAHNGE Map, Load Symbol and Colors from Template File: Function replaces also the Symbol Status Manager information. *** Version=18.2.0 (2383) Service Update 2018-10-30 - ADD Export: Export size A3+ added. - ADD License Manager: It is possible to install additional Team licenses. Choose license when starting OCAD. - ADD Selection: Enable sort by double click for reloaded selection list (like object information). - IMPROVE Real Time GPS: Show precision/accuracy circle) also for LocationApi interface. *** Version=18.1.7 (2351) Service Update 2018-10-08 - FIX WMS, Protocol Failure: OCAD cannot connect some WMSs. Fixed. - ADD Map, Rotate Map to Magnetic North: New function to rotate the current map to magnetic north. - ADD New Map Wizard: New option to set the map rotation to magnetic north. - FIX Point Cloud Manager, Vegetation Map: OCAD did not handle files bigger than 4 GB correctly. Fixed. - CHANGE Rotate Map: Show current angle. *** Version=18.1.6 (2311) Service Update 2018-09-10 - FIX Database, DeleteRecordsWithoutLinkedObject: Did not work if dataset had 0 linked objects. Fixed. - IMPROVE Map, Check Legibility: Exclude crossing points on walls/fences from minimum distance check. - ADD Layout: Move up and down layout object with drag and drop. - Course Setting, Course and Event Statistics, Shortest Distances Between Controls: Checks also distances to the starts. - IMPROVE PNG Layout/Background: Draw transparent pixels (true color with alpha) white, not black. - FIX Map, Check Legibility: Minimum size was not checked for some areas with structure. Fixed. - ADD Preferences, Docking Panels: Options added to reset the docking panels in Preferences -> GUI. OCAD restart needed to take effect. *** Version=18.1.5 (2247) Service Update 2018-07-30 - ADD Course Setting: Show all courses together in preview. - IMPROVE Map, Check Legibility: Check number of dashes/dots for formlines, paths etc. - IMPROVE Map, Check Legibility: Different minimum length thresholds for depression and open/closed formline contours. - ADD Course Setting: Leg statistics option to hide legs used in one course only. - ADD Course Setting: Show number of runners per leg in Leg statistics. - CHANGE DEM Import Wizard: Confirm to overwrite the existing ocdDem file. - FIX Map, Check Legibility: Objects with a selected symbol option did not work is one symbol selected. Fixed. - FIX Map, Check Legibility: Consider rounded ends when checking minimum line length. - CHANGE New Map Wizard: Hide unsymbolized objects by default. - FIX KML Import: MultiGeometry supported. - FIX DEM: Hypsometric map color ramps were not visible. Fixed. - ADD Course Setting: Show the number of runners/teams per course in the courses dialog. *** Version=18.1.4 (2204) Service Update 2018-06-25 - CHANGE ISOM 2017 Symbol Sets: Color values changed according to appendix 'CMYK Printing and Colour Definitions'. - ADD Layer Info: Information about the imported layers added. - FIX Drawing: Internal error may appeared when editing curve tangent while drawing. Fixed. - FIX DEM, Extract Vegetation Features: Minimum height setting added. - ADD DEM, Slope gradient: Extract cliff features from black slope gradient pixels. - FIX Course Setting, Export Course Map: was not listed. Introduced with 18.1.3. Fixed. *** Version=18.1.3 (2174) Service Update 2018-05-28 - ADD Map, Rotate Map: Option if layout objects should be rotated. - ADD Course Setting: Export course scheme to ocd file or clipboard. - IMPROVE Map, Check Legibility: Exclusion of contours/slope lines and roads/cultivation boundary for min distance check improved. - FIX New Map Wizard: OSM import did not work anymore. Fixed. URL is redirected to https. Fixed. - FIX Course Setting Box: OCAD did not show the classes in the CsBox when selecting a control, marked route or the finish. - ADD Coordinate System: Pulkovo 1942 added. - FIX Course Setting, Course Preview: OCAD did not place the control number at the best position if there was a marked route after the control. Fixed. *** Version=18.1.2 (2156) Service Update 2018-05-14 - FIX PDF Spot Color Export: OCAD exported the hatch in the wrong spot color pdf file if the area symbol has a border line symbol. Fixed. - FIX DEM Import: OCAD did not import different files with the same file name. Fixed. - ADD Course Setting: Show classes per leg in leg statistics. - ADD License Manager: Show subscription end date for OCAD 2018 licenses. - IMPROVE Map, Check Legibility: Check also area holes for minimum size. - ADD DEM Import: GML files supported. - ADD Laser Rangefinder: Reference point option 'Automatically use GPS position' added. - ADD Snapping: Snapping function added to OCAD Orienteering edition. - ADD Edit, Move segment: Move also overlapping vertices's/segments (see 12-1374) added to OCAD Orienteering edition. - ADD Course Setting: Export KMZ file for Google Earth and Trac Trac. *** Version=18.1.1 (2116) Service Update 2018-04-11 - IMPROVE DEM Import Wizard: File handling for big compressed datasets improved. - FIX Change Symbol of All Objects With Same Symbol: Did not work in all cases (Problem: Area with cropped lines after cropping). Fixed. - FIX Import OCAD File, Symbol Tree: In some cases the symbol tree group id was duplicated. May be that fixes this issue. - IMPROVE Check Legibility: Splitting up long line objects to speed up check performance. - IMPROVE DEM Extract Features: Improve workflow performance and reduce tmp file size. - FIX DEM Extract Features: Avoid file size overflow by optimizing in-between merge loop. - FIX DEM Create Contour Lines: Depressions were not detected if only TPI contours were created. Fixed. - FIX DEM Create Contour Lines: TPI smoothed contour depressions got wrong symbol. Fixed. - FIX Online Map Service: Problem with Google Maps fixed. *** Version=18.1.0 (2092) Release 2018-03-20 OCAD Team info@ocad.com http://www.ocad.com